The amount of kids and teenagers who were out last night gave me hope for how the world will change.
When I went to bed I wondered what story are my images going to tell. Are they going to tell the power of protest, or just show destruction from those who wanted to just cause harm. I watched places I enjoy going to get destroyed, and I physically saw people in the crowd just there to do damage. I walked away not knowing what story my images were going to tell. And then I remember looking back at that young kid on the curb and only imagine what they were thinking. I didn’t take a picture of them but that green hoodie is going to stand out forever, they must have been 10-12yrs old. Then I remember the protester behind the bullhorn screaming that this makes us no better than them so stop burning shit, as a trash can caught fire and I could smell another round of burnt trash. With my photographs I’ve always maintained fairness, balance, and truth of what I saw, and I believe I did that last night. But if you’re viewing my photographs please view them from the perspective of humanity, those who protested to have a voice heard, whether slightly disruptive, or destructive, the outcome needs to be change. Don’t let the story change to those who just wanted to cause damage.
Working on waiting for the moment to happen. Day 14 3/27/2020. Today is day 14 since things changed. Two weeks ago I went to bed as normal wondering what we were all going to do, I woke up with the answer. We were to be closed till the 27th, and less than a week later that’s been pushed back until further notice. Sayings and words like; Flatten the Curve, Social Distancing, Unprecedented, and Public/Private partnerships will be with me forever. I wanted to capture a few shots, and share some words about my feeling during all of this. Well, this isn’t over yet… maybe when it’s all over I recap my thoughts. Stay safe everyone, please support local business when we get back up and running. Please let these good behaviors last after this, and make those personal, human interactions intentional when we can all get back to our normals.
Day 13 3/26/2020. Today was a long day. I woke up early and went to “work” with purpose. I was present and had some great calls. Took most of them walking around outside, it was an awesome sunny day. I walked by during lunch break and had to capture some real life that is still functioning. Seems that construction work is essential? I’m happy I grabbed them during lunch where the day paused for them. Even with the global situation going on it seems that their day is unfazed by it all. I’m very curious to see what changes after all of this for the good, maybe we’ll have dinner with each other and not include our phones?
Day 11, 12: 3/24/2020, 3/25/2020. These pictures were all taken yesterday, and two of them were edited today. Yesterday was a weird day. I feel that I didn’t sleep well. I woke up three different times, one with some crazy heartburn feelings. I was anxious and had some crazy bad dreams. I did wake up early, got laundry done, and was very productive. I even snuck out during sunrise and grabbed the Capitol with some amazing light. Later in the evening, after the gas smell was taken care of in our parking lot-see picture, I walked around the National Mall and grabbed some awesome pink gel flash shots of the cherry blossoms and the Washington Monument.
Since I felt yesterday was so productive I choose today to do nothing. I have practicing work-life balance and try taking days “off.” I was so proactive yesterday and had all my calls, today I did nothing. I walked, did a few work admin tasks, and watched a photo documentary on George Zimbel, 'Zimberlism' an awesome freelancer in NY in the 50s/60s. I needed a day off, and this was perfect. Day 10, 3/23/2020. I woke up early to get started early, then sat around for an hour. I wanted to keep to my routine, but lost it today. I did go shopping, kept my distance and grabbed what they had in stock. I checked in with work and people are doing well, the rain helped keep us inside. I did set up a print download donation thing. The story is in my Instagram feed if you are interested. Tomorrow I’m planing on getting back to my routines. I need it.
Day 9, 3/22/2020. Kept it quiet today, and classy….? Did a ton of work from home, kept the TV off, and cooked a bit. On a walk I saw a few home made signs by the bus stop with cute messages to keep apart. Then I found a crack/meth pipe just chilling on the curb. Keeping it classy Rosslyn. I then decided to bake banana bread with buckwheat flour and a casserole dish. It came out well, just a bit dry. Happy day 9!
Day 8, 3/21/2020. It’s been a week since our world was adjusted. Last Saturday we prepped to shut down for a few weeks, now we’re playing it day by day. It felt good to do some work from home and check in on people. It’s awkward, but an adjustment and hopeful something that can transition back to the new normal when it’s all over. I wanted to complete a few open projects of mine, but seem to be starting new ones. These cherry blossoms with a pink gel made me so happy. I’m going to try for something this week after the crowds lessen at the tidal basin. I’m having a lot of fun. Keep checkin on in friends and family. Support local businesses, please!
Day 7, 3/20/2020. I went out and did what they told us not to, and it looks like a lot of others did too! It was Peak Bloom with the Cherry Blossoms at the Tidal Basin in DC. I didn’t get out of my car, but I did snap a few quick shots, then played with some flash work back at the apartment with the trees outside. I had fun before the sun ran away and the rain came out! It was nice to see the signs up telling people to separate 6 feet, and some of the streets were closed off, and the metro shut down two stops. This still didn’t stop the engagement photos, tourists, and some groupings. I’ll try for a day mid week when no one is around, or maybe a midnight trip to play with some flash work again.
Day 6, 3/19/2020. Today was very quiet. Did some work from home, took a few walks, took a few pictures. It helped I kept the news off for most of the day. I made a joke in my Instagram Story the other day about being an extrovert, and talking to a tree for 10 minutes. This is that tree, we took a selfie today with the Potomac River in the background. It was a nice moment! I need, and use humor to get thought tough moments. Thanks for checking in everyone!
Day 5, 3/18/2020. I went out for just a few moments to grab a few shots of a new drive up testing coronavirus center in Arlington, VA. If you have any question please visit:
I wanted to snap a few shots for my personal documentation of an unprecedented historic event that I’m thankful to be able to capture. Please be safe everyone! Day 4, 3/17/2020. I needed to get out of the house today. With all the news, and the great movies I decided to watch; Outbreak and Contagion, I needed to get fresh air and away from all of this. I checked in on some friends, and people from work today. We are all good. I’m keeping a track of all these new words, and Flatten The Curve, and Public and Private Partnerships are two of my new favorites. So tonight I’m going to watch the Dropkick Murphys Live stream, and have some Jameson, and share some photos from a walk I took tonight, Happy St Patrick’s day! Take care everyone!
Day 3, 3/16/2020. I’m trying to keep to my routine and schedule. I woke up needing to grab some groceries and make a quick trip for errands. I was up early after going to bed early, and was welcomed to the day with fire in the sky. Parking lots were empty, store shelves were still empty. I just needed eggs and thankfully Target had some. With news coming out hourly I tried to stay away but kept watching state releases about everything shutting down. My heart goes out to those who need others to make money. Stay home, but reach out. Order online. Buy gift cards. Try to keep moving forward. This was rush hour tonight. Low tolls and traffic. Just be safe and take it seriously.
Day 2, 3/15/2020. Today was my last day at work for the next 2 weeks, hopefully that’s it. I had to make a tough call and cancel part of my vacation in April. I was going to visit family on my way to CA to visit my wife. Seeing how real this is, and working with the general public, I have been very conscious of social distancing, and the very real need to wash your hands, and keep 3-6 feet away. I wont allow myself to be one to carry this to friends or family. I’m happy to work for a company that is putting people first, but I’m very aware of my other retail, and healthcare friends and family. If you can stay away, please do it. What’s next? I’m going to try to adventure, with caution, and document this journey. Take these photos as hope, the cherry blossom seen is in all stages of bud to full bloom in one shot.
Day 1, 3/14/2020. I'm going to start a journal and share pictures that I create during a work shutdown around Social Distance and COVID-19. I woke up with everything feeling surreal today. I'm sad that we have to go through with something like this, but I feel grateful to be healthy and able to document it. My wife is out of town for work, I'm planning on following the recommended Social Distance, but I will be taking photos, staying healthy, and sharing what I think and capture during this time. Follow along, share your thoughts if you'd like. Take care of yourself, reach out to neighbors and friends, and take care of your mental health!
It’s an island, there is only so much space. When we landed I was unaware of the size of everything. I was expecting a full city, which it was, but the actual size of everything shocked me. We asked a friend where we should stay, so it was easier to get around. We didn’t want a car. We found a spot by Parliament that let us catch the Tube everyday and just walk the city. The amount of tourists was not surprising, we live outside of DC, and it feels there are more people visiting than who live there. I was intrigued by the signs and street markings the most over anything else initially. We did the normal tourist things, but I wanted a few “off the normal path” shots. This was the only usable shot I got of the London Eye. I didn’t want to have the typical travel shots this trip. I loved the streets, the people, and the way the light fell on this historic city. We loved walking everywhere and seeing the cultural differences. When we were able to “tap in” on the Tube with Apple Pay I was hooked on The Underground. The size of the cars are 1/2 of what I’m used to in DC, but I’m reminded of the limited space they have to work with. The brake dust and heat is something of a shock the first time you experience it. The amount of people in such a small area would have intimated me had I never moved out of NM. Since leaving and spending time wandering our city, DC, I’ve taken to street photography more than I thought I would have. I enjoy catching people being people. London offered a ton of those moments. The sheer amount of people walking the streets had to be captured. The tourist looking for things to do. The locals just commuting. The streets had a life of their own. The colors, shadows, and time of year we visited, late March, made for some sharp and drastic light. The color of the cabs versus the color of the muted buildings stood out to me with this one. The shops and tourists were everywhere. We walked right past every street shop without buying anything. I liked watching the clash of cultures combine. I had to take a shadow self portrait with this man’s boots. The bright white, the tan coat mixed so well with his black and red briefcase. One of my favorite personal shots from our trip. I wanted to catch a few people in alleys and side streets. This was just a quick grab walking down the street. I love the placement of the bus just leaving the frame. I love the red phone booths, the red buses, the orange cones, then the blue sky and green light. The foot traffic, and walkability of the city makes for walking and using public transportation easily. The use of mural and graffiti art worked well for this construction wall. I was inspired. We needed a rest break for a snack and a pint and found this gem. The decor, vibe, and location was one of a kind. I hadn’t seen FILA in the US in years. The fashion of the city has its own culture. I loved the Science Museum. The staircase reminds one of Harry Potter, and I loved the detail in the monkeys on the wall. We never took a cab, I would love to take one on our next trip. I would ask the driver questions about the roads, and find out why they became a driver. I typically had two to three cameras on me the whole trip. I was warned right away about knife and scooter crime. Being tall didn’t hurt, but everything was tucked away in my jacket, especially at night. We visited an abandoned church right in the middle of the city, St. Dunstan-in-the-East. The history and culture that was shaped post WWII was always something I was aware of growing up. I watched moves, seen documentaries, but seeing the buildings that were touched from the war was a bit surreal. This was from behind a rain covered glass wall on top of the Sky Garden. I wanted to see if I could capture a cool shot from this perspective. I was impressed with how this came out. The buildings, the street markings, the bus. It was all perfect. I wasn’t able to get great shots in St. Pauls. There was technically no photos allowed. I snapped a few that didn’t come out well. Our tour guide was a sweet, older, retired teacher named Sasha. What was going to be a 30 minute tour tuned into a 45 minute tour with all of her added stories. This shot will always remind me of our tour at St Pauls. We had missed a stop on the Tube and needed to turn around. The view from across the platform caught my eye and I snapped this quickly before the next cars came. The Tower Bridge was a very crowded tourist destination. Often confused with the London Bridge, this massive landmark is typically photographed from the same perspective. I took some shots while walking over the bridge and fell in love with this perspective. The colors popped in the neighborhoods past the Tower Bridge. The rain from the morning had passed, and everything was sharp in color and contrast. The city’s mixture of old and new blended so well together. The small buildings and streets with old buildings contrasted the newer, larger skyscrapers in the distance. I took many pictures of The Shard, and this was the keeper. I was obsessed with the Underground signs we passed. The Clock Tower that holds Big Ben was being repaired and painted. This setting at night was perfect. Tea time. We visited on the morning we departed and took in the smells, and booths opening for business that day. This was Borough Market. An outdoor food and goods collective similar to farmers market items and fresh foods. The color and location was stunning. Right in the middle of the city a few blocks from the Tube, and right under working roadways. I find this “liberated” collection of work fitting to close out the trip. The British Museum was gorgeous, and the collection of material, and historic artifacts were arraigned in beautiful exhibits. It’s a wonderful, small city, filled with amazing locals, food, and culture. We will return often.
September Project. Dublin in B&W film. I loved the color of the doors, but had to see it all in B&W. I wanted to be limited with the wide lens, and I needed a physical memory of our first visit. Shooting film, and processing it at home gave me full control from start to finish.
I wanted to capture the buildings and people in one frame. With my 80mm 2.8 on my Mamiya 645 Super, I was able to do just that.
I needed a sign that showed where I was. My wife said use the bike post. It was a perfect grab. I had to get the juggler. This was a perfectly timed shot. I love the way it matches the framing of the tents behind him. I obsessed over the framing of this shot. I wanted that sign and building. I played with cropping out the Speed, but I love the add it gives to the shot. July in DC, 2019. We had Protests, Projections, Celebrations, and Tourists. I very much enjoyed documenting some of the events DC had this past July.
Anne, from Cobh, with her Jack Russell Terrier in tow yelled, “hey, hey you- come here!” As we looked across the street wondering about who’s yelling at us I tell her, “I’ll be right over after the car.” Then with hesitation, I asked, “what’s up?” She proceeded to explain the city to us, and a few places to visit. We were so hesitant in interacting with a stranger, and she was excited to just share with us a few places to see and where to go in Cobh, Ireland. After name introductions, and her asking if we voted for Trump (we didn’t)…. cuz we live in DC, she shared information about a few more places to visit. Anne also shared that McKinney, our last name, is a “West Irish” name. This was a fun, quick interaction where we thanked her for the sight-seeing tips and went on our separate paths. Lesson learned, not all people are bad- most people just want to help, and not all strangers are here to harm you.
Mike McKinneyWritten thoughts Archives
May 2020
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